Friday, March 4, 2011


For the past week now I have been exploring Glogster with my Gifted and Talented students. Finally, I have found something that keeps most of them engaged! Glogster has been really easy to learn. Although at first when I signed up for the teacher account, I thought that they had mixed me up with someone else because it had a class with all these students that had nicknames that started with s43rqt. I emailed them to check and make sure that I was not mixed up with anyone and they sent back that I wasn't, then I figured out that I was suppose to go in and edit the nicknames with my student's names! DUH! What a dummy! So, after figuring that out and having the people at Glogster think I am a compete fool...I went in and began to add my students. It was super easy. You just check edit nickname, you can do several then you click edit and it pulls up a screen where you go in. You have to then go back and put in a password. I gave all the kids the same one. Some of my students have accessed it from home and uploaded several personal pictures, but unfortunately, one of my students brought her camera to school to do it and her camera was stolen. This is the main reason I wanted to find a way for the students to find copyright friendly images to use. Isabell had a field day going to Pics4Learning and finding really cool images of animals that she likes and dislikes. Then her and I went on together to see if we could find videos to attach to some of the pics. The video feature on Glogster is attached to School Tube which is a friendly student You Tube. We put in various animals and were able to upload and attach several videos. It was as simple as putting in a search, previewing the video and clicking use it! Ramon found several DARE videos to attach to his. The next project the kids want to work on is uploading music, we have not figured out how to do that yet because the bell rang. At any rate Glogster is really user friendly and I would recommend it to anyone.