Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week Four-Presentation Critique-Post 5

I emailed my presentation to peers from the class and they provided the following feedback. Graphic images used were good. Word count was too short, needed to add more. Narrative was well written. Should add a Phase 3 example.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Week Four-Presentation

So the deadline is due and we have to find a place to present. Oh my what should I do? I feel like I am between a rock and a hard place! When I first saw this assignment I was like cool, I will present at TAGT. Then, I thought I would present at TLA. Then, I found out they were not accepting proposals till next year. What was I to do? So, I turned to Google. There was the perfect event the 2011 ESC Region VI Technology Conference, “Engaging Digital Learners”. The annual conference will be held in Huntsville in the ESC Professional Development Center on Nov. 10 – 11, 2011. They were accepting proposals NOW and they would approve it in October. Is it meant to be? What if they actually accept me? So, I applied! Now time will tell! How Exciting!

Link to my presentation:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week Four-Response to Les's Blog

FETC, AETC,, And Ga ETC are the same conference in different states. I have attended FETC 3 times and each time walked away with a greater understanding of how technology has and will positively effect education. I believe my CBR project would be a great assets to any school. My desire is to share this project with as many schools as possible and see the results of introducing 21st Century skill through PLEs, Google Suite, Web 2.0 tools, and applications. I belive the results will be awesome.
I really enjoyed your presentation on Tuesday. It is Sunday, I am am still a little stuck on putting my presentation together. Your project reminds me a lot of what Michael Wensch does with PLE's. I think you will have great success with this. Looking at your project makes me what to redo mine! Be sure and keep up this blog so I can keep an eye on you!

Week Four-Telling the 'We' Story

GNU Free Documentation License.

Have you ever started a request with "Well, what do 'we' need to get started….." and the person you are speaking to says "We, you have a mouse in your pocket?"

"Telling the We Story" really spoke to me this week. I am approaching my 21st anniversary this December. As relationships roll through time there are definately ups and downs and curves and smooth rail. Recently, it seems that that my marriage is rolling through a dark tunnel filled with turmoil. Where the question seems to be "What do WE want to happen here?" "What's best for US?" and "What's our next step?" At this momemnt the questions remain unanswered, because it seems I have to adopt the idea of 'Being the Board' and recognize what stumbling blocks I am putting in the way of our future. I am trying to focus on what I want which is to grow and change together instead of running negitive tape in my head "If only YOU would do…." We have begun to see a counselor, so hopefully with her help we will be able to improve our communication skills and build a new framework.

Week Four-Response to Lori's Blog

The Art of Possibilites Ch. 9-12 Wk4 MAC

This video that I watched in a counseling course this week reminded me of the Art of Possibilities.

9. Lighting the Spark – The authors give the example of needing 50 cents to pay buy air to inflate a bicycle tire order to get to a museum. Today someone asked me at a gas station for 50 cents to get to Orange County. I gave him the $3 dollars I had. He said, “Sweet!” and thanked me. It was an interesting story of trying to find solutions and that can sometimes seem hard to do when faced with needing to negotiate. This week I began observing a severely disabled student in a classroom to find a solution to some undesirable behavior. I was concerned that the classroom aides may be unwilling to cooperate fully. The student demonstrated the behavior immediately which was useful and a few minutes later he tried again. This time he was unsuccessful in his attempt. The interesting part was that he communicated (though he is nonverbal) to the aide that she needed to mark on a tally sheet that he had made the attempt. When I mentioned after class, that I believed the tallying might inadvertently be reinforcing the behavior, the teacher immediately responded by moving the sheet from the student’s line of sight. By just being there I have changed the environment, the aides began discussing the behavior openly which led to the revelation about the tally sheet. It made me think about how every environment we enter is changed by our presence, hopefully for the better.
10. Being the Board- a somewhat difficult concept but not so much if you have faith. When you have faith, you have to believe that what happens in your life has meaning or leads you to where you may not have planned for yourself. I already know I am not in control of my life and trying to understand the world from my experience is an important part of realizing that. When difficulties arise then it is time to accept that you need to change.
11. Frameworks for Possibilities – this chapter speaks about stating visions. I had to write mission and belief statements this week for a model school counseling program. They included such things as: all students are worthy of love and respect and deserve to be cherished, and all students have the ability to achieve. I agree with the authors that a broad vision opens things up to possibilities and helps give us a direction.
12. Telling the We Story- I am always aware of the “we.” Groceries do not magically appear on shelves and roads are not paved by magic. We are intricately dependent despite the lone cowboy mentality that drives our country's identity. I almost laugh when I deal with people who believe they are independent. That is just not the truth. Understanding our interdependence is key to compromise and seeing the greater good.
photo by KTVEE on Flickr
I love the video you posted. It was so cute. Last year, we used the Fill Your Bucket as a school theme. All the staff and faculty made "buckets" out of plastic cups and they were hanging in the hallway on the way to the office. Staff was encouraged to take slips and "fill each other buckets". Then at Thanksgiving everyone was giving a turkey and people went around passing out feathers to put on it with why you were thankful for them. It definately brought around a good feeling. During summer school, one of the lessons I did with all the classes was about filling buckets. I read the story and we generated a list of ways to fill people's buckets. Then we would take time 2-3 times each week to write out a slip a fill a bucket. The children really enoyed it. The Fill A Bucket movement is spreading. Last week I drove pass the local school and the outside banner had on it: "Have you filled someone's bucket today?" For the record Lori, everytime I ichat you….you always fill my bucket! You have to be one of the kindest people I have ever met!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thinking Aloud: Publish or Present

The question posed to us: Publish or Present? My first thought was I would like to present. I just love to get in front of people and talk! I thought I would write up a proposal to submit to The Texas Gifted and Talented Association. I have been accepted there, so I felt comfortable with that. Then I was asked to think outside the box. So, I thought where would be the next place that would make sense for me to present? I concluded that the the Texas Library Association Conference would be the perfect place to present my project. My whole focus was on teaching media literacy and working with students on creating book trailers. I looked on the Texas Library Association website and they said they are taking applications from January 1st-June 1st. Well, it is September! So, what should I do? Should I think farther outside the box? I don't know. What do you suggest?