Friday, September 2, 2011

Comments on My Peer's Thoughts! Week One

Comment on Jen Selix's Blog
This week I discovered that there is much more to copyright law than I’ve ever truly known or understood. This is a bit frightening and shocking to me, being as that I have been working as a technical writer and media asset creator in the public sector for over ten years.
The biggest shock was discovering how little protection and legal support we have through Fair Use. I admit that I had a false sense of security in the past, from what I believed to be legally binding Fair Use principles. However, after watching, Eyes on the Fair Use of the prize, I discovered how little power we have. Not only are copyrights and rights of fair use convoluted and challenging to defend, we can lose the right to use media assets altogether if outlandish royalty fees are not met.
As a writer and consumer of media, it saddens me and makes me nervous for our cultural and societal history to know that money and bureaucracy have the power to constrain our right to knowledge.
I welcome your thoughts and comments.
- Jen

1 Comment
As a teacher/librarian, I have known for years about copyright, yet it seems I knew so little! Teachers in general think they have rights to almsot anything if they are using it to teach kids. Especially, in economically challenged areas. As the times are changing, it is getting scary out there, because they are starting to come after the "Average Joe" for infrigement. I agree with you that our cultural and societal history may be lost to money and bureaucracy.
Saturday, September 3, 2011 - 01:50 AM

Comment on Heather Hanes Blog
Wk1 Wimba Thoughts
So watching Wimba was certainly an eye-opener that my time at Full Sail is coming to an end. I meet this end with both joy and sadness. I am happy to have received such a quality education, but I don't want to leave. When watching the Wimba the PPP hit me dead on. You mean you want me to submit something to a professional organization or be prepared to present at a national conference?? Me?? Really?? I have attend several national conferences and have been awed by it's presenters and I guess I still have difficulty thinking that that could be me. I see myself as that small town school teacher (parallel me to country mouse) and the presenters as much more entitled than I to be presenting (parallel them to city mouse). I will tackle this project as I have all of my Full Sail projects, with an open mind, nervous heart and lots of determination.

I also have to say that I am not shedding any tears for the end of the Literature Review. Of all the projects we have had to do over the past 10 months, that one has, BY FAR, been the most difficult for me for some unknown reason. I use to thrive when writing and presenting papers, but somehow, over the past umpteen years, I have lost my touch. Good-bye, Lit Review, I am not sure you will be missed!

Since we are almost done, I wanted to go back to the introductory video from month 1

Posted by Heather Pirraglia-Hanes at Thursday, September 01, 2011
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Labels: "Full Sail"
Jen Selix said...

It would be really neat if we could find a way to present together. Our core topics are very closely related and it would be really neat to do a comparison of motivation across different audiences and classroom environments. I think we could make it work.

What do you think? We could probably get both of our lit reviews published in the conference proceedings, even if we presented together.

Just a thought. :)

- Jen
September 2, 2011 10:36 PM
Pamela King said...
I no more associate you with a country mouse than I would a diamond. You have produced some very professional looking projects and with your "git ur done" attitude, I think you would be a GREAT presenter! You and Jen together could be the dynamic duo! Have no fear!
September 3, 2011 1:36 AM

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