Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thinking Aloud: Publish or Present

The question posed to us: Publish or Present? My first thought was I would like to present. I just love to get in front of people and talk! I thought I would write up a proposal to submit to The Texas Gifted and Talented Association. I have been accepted there, so I felt comfortable with that. Then I was asked to think outside the box. So, I thought where would be the next place that would make sense for me to present? I concluded that the the Texas Library Association Conference would be the perfect place to present my project. My whole focus was on teaching media literacy and working with students on creating book trailers. I looked on the Texas Library Association website and they said they are taking applications from January 1st-June 1st. Well, it is September! So, what should I do? Should I think farther outside the box? I don't know. What do you suggest?

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