Sunday, February 27, 2011

ETC Final Project Lesson Plan

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario – RILS
Presented by Pamela Perry King

1.Target Audience-
• 5th and 6th grade Gifted and Talented Students
o -Interactive Notebooks that student’s have created describing him or herself.
o -Computers with access to “Glogster” and clip art

o Students will use the web 2.0 application “Glogster” to create an interactive poster using multimedia aspects to describe them in an “All About Me” activity.
o Students will transfer current knowledge to the learning of newly acquired technology.
o Students will create a digital publication that involves planning and creating a “glog”.
o Students will create personal learning networks to collaborate and publish with peers using Glogster as their digital tool.
o Students will communicate effectively with a peer audience using digital technology.

o Students have been working on creating an interactive notebook that has a collection of personality quizzes in it. Students have identified personality traits, likes, values, learning styles and character traits.
o Students will assess the information and determine what pictures they need to best represent them. They will make a list.
o They will use Microsoft clip art and Creative Commons to locate pictures for the project. Students will use the interactive notebook, clip art ,and video clips that they have chosen to place in their glog that best represents them.
o Students will write captions and informative details on their glogs to give the reader a vivid understanding of the content placed on the “glog”.
o After teacher approval for appropriate content, the students will published their Glogster Poster to be shared in an oral and visual presentation.

5. “Glogster” is the web 2.0 tool to be used create this interactive poster.

6. Social Learning:
• Students will give an oral presentation, “All About Me” using their Glogster poster.
• Classmates will have the opportunity to ask questions and share thoughts based on each student’s presentation.

7. Making Connections:
o Students connecting their personal interests and characteristics with presentation skills.
o Students connecting with other students and the teacher based on similarities and differences described in their likes, values and so on.
o Students connecting possible abstract thoughts and concepts with concrete images.

The learners will create an interactive “All About Me” posters. These posters will be displayed on the Library’s Web Page. Students will have the opportunity to share these in class.



Required Elements
• The Glog includes all required elements as well as additional information.
• All required elements are included on the Glog.
• All but 1 of the required elements are included.
• All but 2‐3 elements are included.
• More than 3 required elements are missing from the Glog.
• Labels
• All items of importance are clearly labeled with labels that can be read from at least 3 feet away.
• Almost all items of importance are clearly labeled and labels can be read from at least 3 feet away.
• Some items of importance are clearly labeled and labels can be read from at least 3 feet away.
• Few items of importance are labeled and labels are difficult to read.
• Labels are too small to view or no important items were labeled.
• Graphics – Relevance
• All graphics are related to the topic and make the Glog easier to read and understand.
• Almost all graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to read and understand.
• Some graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand.
• Few graphics relate to the topic.
• No graphics relate to the topic.
• Attractiveness
• The Glog is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
• The Glog is attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness.
• The Glog is fairly attractive, but a bit messy.
• The Glog is poorly designed and very messy.
• The Glog is distractingly messy and unattractive.
• Grammar
• There are no grammatical– mechanical mistakes on the Glog.
• There is 1 grammatical– mechanical mistake on the Glog.
• There are 2‐3 grammatical– mechanical mistakes.
• There are 4 grammatical– mechanical mistakes.
• There are more than 4 grammatical– mechanical mistakes.

10. Reflection:
Students will have the opportunity to write a reflection on the learning process in their interactive notebooks. They will then use their experience to create another Glog on a possible career path they would like to take.

ETC Final Project

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Glogster has a special site just for educators! Got a great deal- $59.00 for 200 students! Yeah!
Teacher Dashboard- Very easy to add students and track their progress.
Personal Profile Page-Express yourself!

So, I finally got started on my blog. It was very easy to use. I was able to edit my profile. I thought that I would have too much, and low and behold I have plenty of room! Must add more! The learning for me was not so much in learning how to manipulate Glogster but in how to find copyright free images to use on Glogster. I am planning on teaching my students this and it is a must that they know how to locate images because taking their own pictures is
not practial. I also plan on using the Flip video and video taping them during their Fine Arts period
and attaching the video to their personal glogs.


I knew I wanted to use Glogster to create an interactive poster. But the first problem that I encountered was where would I collect the images I wanted to use. In the past when I have needed an image I would use Google, however knowing that I would be publishing my product, I knew that I needed to find someway to teach the students to use a source that was copyright free to collect their images. After working with my partner, Lori she helped me by showing me how to use Microsoft clip art and how to find other images using Creative Commons. Next, I need to refine my focus and decide what would be the first step in getting started. I decided to start with having the students do an "All About Me". Below you find images that I found.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

BP 7_Animoto Ad

BP4_School Tube

I looked and looked for what I thought might be a good tool. I considered Audacity which is a good audio tool to use in the school. But, I haven’t had much time to play with it. It appears to be much like Garage Band. I looked at Glogster but noticed someone else had already blogged about it. Then I found School Tube a place for students and teachers to share videos online in a safer environment. Wow! School Tube provides lesson plans for video production, professional development for the site, royalty free music, and images!
I clicked on the image button to check out and see what was available. One of the links led to Wikimedia Commons which had over eight million media files to which anyone can contribute. It had a pretty good assortment. Next, I counted fifteen links to free music. They had everything from African to Christmas to Happy Go Lucky.
There were also two links available for audio. One of them lead to a link of the Top 100 Speeches in America. Number one on the list is Martin Luther King’s speech “I Have A Dream.” Very powerful.
School Tube has many features. Including sponsored channels from Disney Planet and National Geographic. They also offer teachers the option to create their own channel to reflect what’s going on in their classroom as well as provide a place to keep track of your classes favorite videos. When teachers register to become a moderator for their students they have the ability to preview all of the students videos before they go live. Making this a kid friendly social networking tool!

BP 6- Link to Rhythm-n-Rime

Check-out this cool safe search engine!

BP 5 Link to Heather's Blog

Check-out my comment on Heather's cool tool!


Back Again....
Overall, I really found the tutorials beneficial.  I am glad it was assigned.  I have visited the site before, and thought wow, this is cool! But with every other project and home stuff to do I haven't had time to really watch through a whole lesson.  Getting a certificate for it is pretty neat too.  The final lesson I incorporated was the stabilization.  Due to the fact that, I was taping the game on a small Flip video, there are a lot of shaky parts.  When I uploaded the video to iMovie, I did put it through the stabilization mode, however several sections were still marked with the little red squiggle.  In chapter 10 they showed how to click the show/hide button for the red squiggle located at the very bottom of iMovie.  Before I could click it however, I had to call FSO to find out how to hide my "dock". I could see the button but could not get to it.  If you want to hide your dock, the shortcut is command+option+d and it will disappear and reappear when you press it.  It also said in the lessons that you should not use a lot of transitions, that professionals like straight cuts, but I like them and think they are pretty cool.  I look forward to trying some more of these techniques.  I took some notes and I do plan on revisiting a couple of lessons.


Hello Again!  I have continued to watch iMovie with an interest in learning how to delete me talking during the taping of my daughter's basketball game.  Surely, she does not want to hear my silly conversation as she is out there sweating it up.  I found out in Chapter 6 how to delete "me" and put in a little jazzy music that was available on iMovie!  I also found out how to get to the "inspector". Before taking the training I would just press buttons, Now I know what combination to press them in! Pretty cool!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

PE1_iMovie First Lesson

Today, I started viewing iMovie '09 on  The directions for the assignment said if you were already an expert, you could learn something else.  When I read that, I laughed out loud because, I thought to myself, "I am NOT an expert!" Then, I began viewing the lessons, and I found out that I may not be an expert but I was not a complete dunce either!  I had actually learned some of the things on my own!  That gave me a little pat on the back!  So, I began to look for something new to learn and practice.  What I came up with was learning how to adjust the date and time on the segments.  I was then able to split them into two separate events.  I separated my daughter's basketball game from her birthday dinner.

Monday, February 7, 2011


The web 2.0 application that I incorporated into my class is Animoto.  Animoto creates a musical video.  I can use Animoto to create book trailers.  Book trailers are mini advertisements to get the kids to read books, much like a movie trailer.  I was very reluctant to use it.  I had seen other book trailers that librarians had done and I was unsure of myself.  But, taking this class gave me the courage and motivation to try it.
There are two girls who come into the library on a frequent basis, Gabriela and Jennifer.  They really enjoy reading.  I asked them if they would like to help me create a book trailer.  I explained that we had to create a storyboard to tell about the book.  I found that they lacked a vocabulary of vision to communicate nonverbally.  The ability to express themselves visually was a handicap in preparing the trailer.  This supported one of the articles I read for my lit review: “The Educator’s Role in Preparing Visually Literate Learners” by Susan E. Metros.  I worked with them orally, having them tell me the story and then asking them what image came to their mind.  We then wrote a short sentence to anchor the image.  It was challenging finding copyright free pictures, but finally we did.  Then, we uploaded the images to the Animoto site, put them in a sequential order with the text anchors, added music that Animoto allows us to use, pressed create and about 15 minutes later voila! We had our video.  They really seemed to enjoy it, and I now have them working on another one.  Animoto will do any 30 second video for free, however they do have an educator account available that allows for longer videos.  Please mention my name if you try it.  I get some type of credit for referrals.  Enjoy!

Friday, February 4, 2011

BP3_igoogle Screen Shots

Really like the idea of PLE.  Would love to be the kind of teacher described in the video.  I love this program!  It is so relevant!  I love learning new things, even if it takes me 4 hours to do 4 pages!

BP1_Welcome to my blog!

Hello, this is my first time blogging!  I am excited about this new adventure.  I named my blog Kingdom of Possibilities because I believe in the possible!  I would like to create a blog to enhance and support the development of human potential!
I am a Librarian and Gifted and Talented teacher.  I am working with my students on helping them to recognize their potential and live their dreams.  At the same time, I am trying to recognize my potential and live my dreams!  That is why I started this graduate program at Full Sail University.  I am on a quest to improve myself and become a 21st century teacher of excellence.
My first lesson of the year for my students was to introduce them to the Keys of Success.
Keys of Success - 4 Keys to Recognize Your Potential
Education- Keep on learning.  You can learn not only through school but from the following things.
Reading, computer, volunteering, part-time jobs. Take any experience and learn from it!
Behavior- What does successful behavior look like? Show respect, appreciation, gratitude and kindness.
Social Support- Surround yourself with achievers! Remember "Birds of a feather, flock together" You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with.  So ask yourself, "Who do I hang out with and are they good for me?"
Positive Attitude- People with a positive attitude view stress as a challenge.  They are willing to fail forward.  What does it mean to fail forward?  It means take a chance and learn from it!